18th Colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft | Ernst Herzfeld Society
Munich (Germany), Museum Fünf Kontinente 6–8 July 2023
Sometimes marked as the ‘global shift’ or the ‘decolonial turn’, fields within the Humanities have, since the 1980s, gradually opened up for cultures in regions beyond the West. Art History and Archaeology concerned with the so-called Islamic world, too, have experienced increased interest in exchange – be it an interaction of different places, cultures and/or times within regions dominated by Muslims, or communication with areas beyond the main lands of Islam. Of particular interest in these scholarly investigations are the nature of the transfer as well as the various levels of cultural appropriation or translation taking place when things and ideas travel from one cultural area to the next.
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18th Colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft | Ernst Herzfeld Society
Munich (Germany) 6 July 2023
Are you a graduate student in Islamic Art, Architecture, or Archaeology? Are you interested in
meeting other students working on related topics? Would you like to discuss your research with your
peers? How about making a pitch or presenting a paper based on your research at the graduate student
meeting of the Ernst Herzfeld Society? How about participating in both sections?
The graduate student meeting offers an opportunity for graduate students in the fields of Islamic Art History, Archaeology, and Architecture to present their ongoing research while providing a platform for discussion and networking. It is organized by Suzanne Compagnon of the University of Vienna. It will take place at the Museum Fünf Kontinente (Museum Five Continents) in Munich (Germany) on Thursday 6 July 2023 in conjunction with the 18th Colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld Society.
Further information…
Vernissage on Thursday
July 12th 2018
at Mshattasaal, Pergamonmuseum
6pm (doors open 5.30pm)
5.-7. Juli 2018
Das nächste Kolloquium der Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft findet vom 5. bis 7. Juli an der Universität Straßburg statt und wird von Nourane Ben Azzouna organisiert. Zum Thema und Ablauf sehen Sie bitte den Call for Papers hier. Zur Anmeldung (Frist 1. März) und für Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an Dr. Ben Azzouna: benazzouna@unistra.fr
Ein Graduate Meeting findet am 5. Juli in Straßburg statt. Für dieses melden Sie sich bitte bei Sarah Johnson an: sarah.cresap.johnson@gmail.com
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Institut für Kunstgeschichte Universität Wien
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