14th – 18th April 2020 at the University of Bologna.
Further details: https://eventi.unibo.it/12icaane
Contact: mattia.guidetti3@unibo.it and enrico.cirelli2@unibo.it
Symposia Iranica
Fourth Biennal Conference on Iranian Studies
9-10 April 2019
Final call for papers
Monasteries, Cities, Settlements – al-Hira and Early Islamic Urbanism in Mesopotamia
Workshop 17.-18.12.2018
Museum für Islamische Kunst der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Wissenschaftlichen Museumsassistentin/Museumsassistenten (in Fortbildung)
Kennziffer: SMB-GD-47-2018, siehe hier
Mémoires fragiles
Conserving Orientalist Architecture in Switzerland and beyond
September 22, 14:00 – 19:00
University of Zurich, Rämistraße 59, RAA-G-01
Der Orient in der Schweiz | L’Orient en Suisse
Neo-islamische Architektur und Interieurs des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
International Conference, September 21, 2018
Kunsthistorisches Institut |Département d’histoire de l’art et de musicologie
Universität Zürich, Room RAA-G-01 , Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich
Buildings that Fill My Eye | The Architectural Heritage of Yemen
Vernissage on Thursday
July 12th 2018
at Mshattasaal, Pergamonmuseum
6pm (doors open 5.30pm)
14th EHS colloquium in Straßburg
5.-7. Juli 2018
The next EHS colloquium is held July 5-7 at the University of Strasbourg and is organized by Nourane Ben Azzouna. Theme and schedule are detailed in the call for papers, see here. Please submit (deadline: March 1) directly to Dr Ben Azzouna and contact her in case of questions: benazzouna@unistra.fr
A graduate students meeting takes place on July 5 in Strasbourg. Please contact Sarah Johnson: sarah.cresap.johnson@gmail.com
On this webpage you find current job announcements and news. The page is also available through an RSS feed. Please use the button in the left menu.
Information on events, calls for papers and other is also found on our Facebook site: www.facebook.com/ehg.info.
Institut für Kunstgeschichte Universität Wien
Universitätsassistent/in Praedoc, Kennzahl: 8212, siehe hier