Ernst Herzfeld Award for Master Theses in Islamic Art History and Archaeology
The Ernst Herzfeld Society for Studies in Islamic Art and Archaeology has established the Ernst Herzfeld Award for Master Theses in Islamic Art History and Archaeology in 2019. The aim of the annual award is to encourage and support emerging scholars in Europe who are working on visual and material culture of Islamic countries in the fields of Art History, Archeology, and Historical Building Research. The Ernst Herzfeld Award highlights the diversity and innovation of current research in these growing fields. The successful candidate is honored at the annual colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld Society (first weekend of July), offered a full travel grant to present her/his master thesis at the colloquium, and is granted publication of the presented paper in the series of the Society, Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie (BIKA).
Chairs of the Ernst Herzfeld Award committee, currently: Prof. Dr. Mattia Guidetti and Dr. Safa Mahmoudian.
CURRENT CALL, extended Deadline: 30 November 2023
Laureates of the Ernst Herzfeld Award
2022/23: Archie Williams (University of Oxford), The Coins of the Salcombe Cannon Hoard and the Rise and Fall of the Saadian Dynasty
2021/22: Clementine Kane (University of Oxford), In Between Cultures: Uncovering the Book of Pearls and Knowledge of the Essences and Forms.
2020/21: Franziska Schneider (Freie Universität Berlin), Rediscovering the Local Heritage – Zeyneb Sultan Mosque and the Chalkoprateia Church in Constantinople