
Job Advertisment

At the University of Vienna is the Department of Art History looking for a/an University assistant predoctoral in the field of Islamic Art History around Professor Markus Ritter.

Job vacancy starting: 10/15/2024  | Working hours: 30.00  

Interviews are expected to take place at the beginning of October.


Announcement of a conference

Production, Transmission & Interpretation: an interdisciplinary conference on Islamic Art, Architecture, and Archaeology organised by the Departments of History of Art, and Archaeology and scheduled to take place in the University of York (Campus West and King’s Manor) between 13 and 15 March 2024.

In addition to 27 academic papers presented by international scholars across seven panels, the highlights of the conference include a curatorial walkthrough of the exhibition Arts of the Islamic World led by Dr Richard Piran McClary, and keynote addresses by leading experts of Islamic visual and material culture – China on Display: Ming Porcelain in Mughal Architecture by Dr Mehreen Chida-Razvi, The Islamic Fascination with Domes by Professor Robert Hillenbrand, and Learning from Mistakes: Craft Practice and the Interpretation of Early Islamic Art  by Professor Marcus Milwright.

Attendance is by registration only with limited available seats; links and relevant details follow:

Day 1 Free registration for both Inaugural Lecture and Curatorial Walkthrough

Day 2 Paid registration for conference

          Independent free registration for Professor Hillenbrand’s public keynote

(Details forthcoming on the History of Art events page and social media handles)

Day 3 Paid registration for conference and Closing Keynote

The complete three-day programme can be downloaded here and questions may be sent to Parshati Dutta and Nausheen Hoosein at islamic-art-2024-conference@york.ac.uk

Call for Papers: Islamic Archaeology Conference 2024

07.-09. November 2024
Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany

Islamic Archaeology Conference 2024 invites scholars, researchers, and professionals
worldwide to participate in a comprehensive exploration of the material culture of the Early and Middle Islamic periods (600-1500 AD) and in analyzing historical narratives and syntheses that the discipline contributes to. This conference aims to provide a platform for contributions from diverse groups of people and for exchanging ideas, methodologies, and discoveries in Islamic archaeology.

Deadline: 31. March 2024

Further information …

Graduate Student Meeting – Call for Papers

19th Colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft | Ernst Herzfeld Society

Romont (Switzerland) 4 July 2024

Are you a graduate student in Islamic Art, Architecture, or Archaeology? Are you interested in meeting other students working on related topics? Would you like to discuss your research with your peers? How about presenting a paper based on your research at the graduate student meeting of the Ernst Herzfeld Society?

The graduate student meeting offers an opportunity for graduate students in the fields of Islamic Art History, Archaeology, and Architecture to present their ongoing research while providing a platform for discussion and networking. It is organized by Suzanne Compagnon of Utrecht University. It will take place at the Vitrocentre Romont in Romont (Switzerland) on Thursday 4 July 2024 in conjunction with the 19th Colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld Society.

Further information…

Job Advertisment

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in History of Islamic Art and Architecture, American University in Cairo

The Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations invites applications from a historian of art and architecture with a primary focus on the study of the Islamic world before 1800 for an open-rank appointment that will begin in the fall of 2024. This is a fixed-term position for four years, renewable upon successful review.

Deadline: 30.01.2024


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The Institute of Archaeological Sciences at Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, seeks to fill in a PostDoc-position in Islamic Archaeology (part-time, 50%, TV-GU-E13) to the next possible date. The position is for three years with a possible extension after positive evaluation.

Deadline: 21.11.2023


CALL FOR PAPERS: Glass in the Islamic World

19th Colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft | Ernst Herzfeld Society

Vitrocentre Romont, Switzerland, 4-6 July 2024

In the field of Islamic art, glass continues to be one of the less researched media. While glass mosaics, stucco glass windows or blown glass produced in the region aroused the interest of scholars in the emerging disciplines of Islamic archaeology and art history in the 19th and early 20th centuries, its study increasingly lost importance in the course of the 20th century and is now largely confined to specialized circles, even though glass has always played a significant role in the art and architecture of the Islamic world.

(Extended) Deadline for submissions: 31 December 2023
Notification of acceptance: 1 February 2024

Further information …

Workshop „Erwerbungen und Provenienzen islamischer Kunst zwischen 1933 und 1945. Aktuelle Forschung und Vernetzung“

Archäologisches Zentrum der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin

13–14 October 2023

Das Museum für Islamische Kunst zusammen mit dem Zentralarchiv der Staatlichen Museen, Berlin und das Institut für Kunstgeschichte und Musikwissenschaft, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz veranstaltet am 13. und 14. Oktober 2023 einen Workshop zum Thema: „Erwerbungen und Provenienzen Islamischer Kunst zwischen 1933-1945: Aktuelle Forschung und Vernetzung“. Der Workshop ist der erste seiner Art für Forschende innerhalb und außerhalb öffentlicher Sammlungen in Deutschland. Ziel ist es, die Herausforderungen bei der Erforschung der Herkunft von Objekten aus islamisch geprägten Kulturkreisen zu diskutieren, aktuelle Projekte vorzustellen und Gemeinsamkeiten in Sammlungspraktiken und Objektbiografien zu anderen außereuropäischen Sammlungskontexten zu erarbeiten.

Die Teilnehmer*innenzahl des Workshops ist begrenzt, daher bitten wir um Anmeldung bis 10.10.2023 über naneuman@uni-mainz.de. Für den öffentlichen Abendvortrag ist keine Anmeldung erforderlich.

Für Rückfragen können Sie uns gerne unter isl@smb.spk-berlin.de kontaktieren.

Further information…

Job Advertisment

Post-doctoral research and teaching position (80–100%, non tenure-track) available at the Chair of the History of Architecture and Preservation of the Institute of Art History, University of Bern

Starting 1 September 2023 (or as agreed) for two years (with an option for extension).

Application deadline: 15 June 2023

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Job Advertisment

Post-doctoral research and teaching position (80–100%, non tenure-track) available at the Chair of the History of Textile Arts of the Institute of Art History, University of Bern

Starting 1 August 2023 (or as agreed) for two years (with an option for extension).

Application deadline: 15 April 2023

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