The Ernst Herzfeld Society is, according to German law, a registered association with its seat in Bamberg. It is organized by the general assembly of the members, the steering committee and the board. The steering committe is elected every two years by the general assembly. It consists of chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and treasurer. The board consists of three persons and is also elected every two years by the gerneral assembly.
The Society is a non-profit organization. All earnings must be used for the aims of the Soceity which are defined in the statutes as:
- furthering research in history of Islamic art, and in archaeology and building archaeology related to this history;
- offering scholars and students of these disciplines a fore for scholarly exchange and discussion and vis-à-vis the public;
- furthering international cooperation and exchange and contact with institutions and societies of related disciplines.
The aims of the Society are mainly realized through regular colloquia, publishing and editing the contributions to the colloquia and other publications.
If you are interested in joining the Ernst Herzfeld Society, please use the membership application from in this website.
The Society is most grateful to donors for additional support.