Ernst Herzfeld Society

For Studies in Islamic Art and Archaeology

Poster presentations

2016 Berlin

Suzanne Compagnon

Investigating Levni´s portrayal of women in the album H.2164

Farzaneh Khamseh

Memorial Buildings with Muqarnas Domes in south-western Iran (11 th Century) Poster

2015 Bamberg

Agnes Rameder

The Photograph Series “By an Eye Witness” by Azadeh Akhlaghi

Pia Razenberger

The Illumination of Decorated Pages in Qur´an manuscripts of the 11th – 13th Century in West Asia

2013 Toledo

Rodrigo Cortés Gómez

Intervención en el inmueble situado en el Número 3 de la calle de San Miguel (Toledo).

Alexander Bar-Magen Numhauser

The Qa´a-Majlis House Model in Al-Andalus:
Applying Cairo Geniza material to the Archaeology of Al-Andalus

María del Pozo Rincón

Estructuras defensivas contra los ataques normandos en la costa peninsular. Poster

Rodrigo O. Tirado Salazar

Análisis urbanístico de la ciudad de Badajoz: Una fundación islámica.

José Miguel Hernández Sousa

The study of Islamic kilns in al-Andalus. Toledo.

2012 Zürich

Judith Bihr

Subversive Patterns – Ambivalent Lines
Contemporary Egyptian Art within an Intercultural Discourse

Elham Etemadi

Iconography in the 19th century Persian Book Illustration and Painting: the case of Thousand and One Nights